Over 1,000 People Come Together to Try to Find World of Warcraft's Latest Mount

There are a few things that can bring people together, uniting them under one banner. During times of disaster, you can always find people rushing into danger to try to save others. During more peaceful times, however, you can find all kinds of people uniting to play video games.

And that's exactly what the hunt for World of Warcraft's latest secret mount, the Lucid Nightmare, has done. According to Chadd Nervig, the Technical Game Designer for World of Warcraft, there are over twenty thousand people on the WoW Secrets Discord server, trying to solve the Lucid Nightmare secret, with over 1,000 in voice chat at the time of the tweet. That's absolutely insane.

If you are the kind of person who loves solving puzzles, head over to the WoW Secrets Discord - the first few clues of the puzzle have already been solved, but so far, no one knows just how many steps will need to be taken to solve this puzzle.

Lets hope it isn't as crazy as the old Sombra ARG...