Albion Online Continues To Fight Off DDOS Attacks Says Game Director Robin Henkys

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Last week, we reported that Albion Online was once experiencing repeated DDOS attacks presumably by banned illegal gold sellers. While Sandbox Interactive was able to defend against the attacks, this resulted in unavoidable performance and latency issues that are still plaguing the fantasy sandbox MMORPG as of today. Game Director Robin “Eltharyon” Henkys reports on the state of the game in a recent forum post.

“Sadly, we have not yet found a solution, though it is not for a lack of trying. We've provided all information we have to our hosting partners and have been at their side the whole time, but so far we have no solution for the ongoing issues.”

Henkys says that while they’re continuing to work on fighting off the attacks with their hosting partners, they’re also exploring the possibility of transferring to a different host altogether. “The difficulty we're facing here is that many hosting companies are not too concerned with short term disruptions (as they typically deal with websites that can easily function with temporary connection issues), and fail to understand how crucial a continuous network connection is for a game service as ours,” he explains. “The other challenge here is that moving the entire infrastructure to a different partner is no simple feat and it has to be done carefully and correctly. Despite this, we've already found some potential partners, but this is more of a mid-term solution. That said, the work we’re putting in now will help us to be better prepared for similar attacks in the future.”

As for compensation, Henkys assures players that they’re looking into the best way to make it up to them for the ongoing gameplay disruptions. Compensations, however, will be given after the issues have been resolved. “[. . .] We want to ensure we find an appropriate compensation for the time period in which the problems persisted.”

We’ll keep you updated on future developments. You can also head over to the Albion Online official forums for more details.