Sci-fi Survival Shooter Dysterra Kicks Off Another Open Beta Test On Steam

dysterra sci-fi survival fps futuristic exoskeleton

Kakao Games is running another limited-time open beta test for their upcoming sci-fi survival FPS Dysterra on Steam this week. The beta test is now live and will run until Sunday, September 4th.

Like most survival shooters, Dysterra will drop players into a post-apocalyptic setting where they’ll need to loot, craft, and build to survive. The game’s free-for-all PvP mechanics allows players to fight every single player they encounter in the game although they’re free to team up and form alliances if they so choose. There’s also PvE and single-player modes for those who’d rather stay away from PvP altogether.

Signups are still being accepted on the survival shooter’s Steam page. Simply click the “Request Access” button for a chance to test out the upcoming game’s latest beta build which features new regions to explore, new bosses to fight, and a ranking system to climb through, along with various server, performance, and visual improvements.

Dysterra SNF Trailer