EVE Online Will Be Introducing Hurricane-Like Space Storms Next Month

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Starting next month EVE Online Capsuleers will need to watch out for space storms that will randomly pop up in nullsec. These Metaliminal Storms will always originate and remain in nullsec but the effect may also be felt in lowsec and highsec. The effects of these storms will be similar to the system effects in wormhole space, abyssal space, and incursions.

“The massive Triglavian invasion and stellar manipulation throughout empire space, along with heavy capsuleer use of abyssal and needlejack filaments, has begun to cause unexpected side effects at the periphery of the New Eden star cluster. Chaotic storms of abyssal energy have appeared in nullsec space and are slowly moving from system to system through the gate network. These storms affect capsuleer vessels in numerous ways, providing new challenges and opportunities for capsuleers across the nullsec frontiers.”

The Metaliminal Storms will slowly move around nullsec like hurricanes in 24 to 48 hour intervals using a modified random walk algorithm. “In this way, the movement of the storms will have a limited amount of predictability,” explains CCP Games. “If the edge of a storm is currently 5 jumps away from your home system, you’ll know that the soonest it can possible reach you is in 5 days, but you won’t know for sure whether it will come towards you or veer in another direction.”

The storms are expected to wreak havoc on the test servers soon and on the live servers some time next month. More information can be found on the EVE Online official site.