Gloria Victis' Latest Update Lets Players Own An Actual Castle

The only reason that anyone would want to take control of a settlement is to own the castle, right? It's not about the resources; it's about the status that owning a castle brings with it. With the release of its latest update, Gloria Victis finally lets players own an actual castle by way of a "brand new, fully upgradable model of main building." At present, there are six settlements in which you can own a castle: Castle Audunstede, Leaktown, Order of the Original Faith's Keep, Scarsdale, Seaclaw, and Twinfall.

The update also adds a new event in a "recently added location in the middle of Stoneholm," interactions with NPCs that don't have any dialogue, new UI sound effects, and more.

Additionally, the team noted that the long-awaited "combat/animations overhaul" is still in the works. It is noted that, at present, the overhaul is currently going through debugging and polishing. A sneak peek is set to be unveiled "as soon as possible."

You can find the full set of patch notes here.

Gloria Victis Character Animations Trailer