New World Plans To Introduce DX12 Support And Other Performance Improvements

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Amazon Game Studios is stepping up its communication game with the release of New World’s first Happenings from Aeternum community newsletter. The inaugural newsletter gathers up some of the most recent developer videos and sheds some light on Amazon’s performance improvement plans for the open-world MMORPG, including DirectX 12 support.

AZoth Engine team lead Mike Boccieri says that they’re currently working on integrating DirectX 12 for the benefit of both the players and the developers. However, he does note that DX12 isn’t a “magic bullet” that will instantly get rid of performance and optimization issues despite popular opinion. He further clarified that most optimization issues are CPU-bound rather than GPU-specific. That being said, he says that the team is looking at ways to make the game better and ensure that the DX12 transition is comfortable for them.

These planned improvements include significant changes to the client’s streaming technology, integration of DLSS support which will tie in with DX12, and a fix for hitched frames. The latter is set to be deployed as part of Update 2.0.2 later today at 4 a.m. PT.

He also warns the community against oversimplifying the impact of API updates on game performance as the team believes there are more improvements to be made, regardless of whether New World runs on DX11 or DX12.

You can check out the first Happenings from Aeternum newsletter on the New World official site. Service improvements are also the topic of the team’s latest Forged in Aeternum episode which you’ll find right down below.

New World: Forged in Aeternum - Service Improvements