Overwatch's Symmetra May Finally Stick Around All Game This November


In a Business Insider interview Overwatch's game director Jeff Kaplan stated that the team wants to make changes to Symmetra to see her stick around all game. Symmetra is commonly used to drop a teleporter to quickly get her team back on the objective when defending. But after an initial objective players typically switch off Symmetra.

I do it too.

"I don’t have anything really specific to talk about right now, other than she is kind of an internal project right now," said Kaplan. "She is a hero we’d like to make some changes to. I think those changes wouldn’t see the light of day until November, though, because we want to do a bunch of internal testing. It’s one thing when we do something [minor] — like, we have a change to Junkrat on the [Public Test Realm] where his Ultimate activates faster, but it’s a very incremental, safe change — whereas the type of changes we think need to happen to Symmetra require a lot more internal testing and discussion."

I've always liked Symmetra, and I like to play her when she's viable. While we don't know what changes will be made, if they'll be made, I can speculate it will involve her turrets' durability and perhaps making her right-click charge quicker. But I have no real clue.

Would you like to see Symmetra show up in more games? Do you think she can be fixed to make her more viable throughout a match?

Symmetra Gameplay Preview | Overwatch | 1080p HD, 60 FPS