Prosperous Universe Explains Reasons For Early Access Reset

prosperous universe ship orbit bannerProsperous Universe is scheduled to transition into Early Access sometime this year which, unfortunately, will require a full server wipe and reset. Of course, if you’ve been playing the online space simulator for a while now, starting again from scratch isn’t something that you’d be looking forward to.

Aside from making sure that everyone starts off on equal footing, developer simulogics also has a few other reasons for wiping the servers. All of which are explained in their latest dev blog. One of the main reasons is to clean up the existing database and code. Starting ships, for example, are hard-coded into the game because modular ship designs weren’t available before December’s Ignition update. The planned reset will be the perfect opportunity for the devs to get rid of the hard-coded ships and remove any unnecessary codes.

The reset will also allow the developers to try out new systems and mechanics such as off-planet commodity exchanges. Having access to a nearby commodity exchange gives players a huge advantage in the game, so much so that players actively choose to start the game on commodity exchange planets. There have been requests for buildable commodity exchanges but the developers felt that off-planet exchanges were the best option for the time being.

“Given out current player base, it would simply lead to many, very small commodity exchanges with low volume brokers,” explains the devs. “Instead, we would like to continue to see (for now!) major hubs with a sprawling net of local markets stretching into the reaches of space.”

Meanwhile, the entire team is working on their respective assignments for the upcoming Early Access launch. These include balance tweaks as well as consistency improvements to material weights, cost curves, product categorization, and more. There’s also a new trailer in the works to watch out for.