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Infinite Lagrange

Infinite Lagrange is a 3D mobile sci-fi 4X strategy MMO game where players take control of a space fleet sent into a newly-discovered star system in the Milky Way. The game features classic city-building mechanics with real-time combat, highly-social and diplomatic gameplay, and multiple victory conditions.

Publisher: Activision
Playerbase: High
Type: Mobile 3D 4X Strategy
Release Date (Global): June 2, 2021
Pros: +Great visuals and effects. +Deep and complex real-time gameplay systems. +Viewable 3D space battles. +Helpful community.
Cons: -Slightly pay-to-win lootbox mechanics. -Steep learning curve. -Punishing RNG combat. -Less PvP than other 4X games.

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Infinite Lagrange Overview

Explore uncharted space and found new colonies in various star systems across the seemingly-infinite vastness of the Milky Way galaxy in Infinite Lagrange. Use the interstellar transportation system called the Lagrange Network to travel to a newly-discovered star system together with other galactic captains where you’ll setup a small base that you’ll continually grow and improve as you harvest resources from neighboring asteroid belts. As your base grows, so should your fleet. Unlock and construct a variety of ships of different types, weapon systems, and classes, including utility ships, fighters, frigates, destroyers, cruisers, carriers, and massive capital ships. Use your growing fleet to protect your base, mining sites, and outposts from wandering privateer fleets and other players and to launch attacks against your enemies. Make friends and allies by joining a Union, creating your own, or by simply using diplomacy to bring other players to your side. You’ll need all the help you can get as everyone competes to occupy, secure, and dominate the entire system.

Infinite Lagrange Key Features:

  • Explore The Edge Of Space – use the Lagrange Network of space teleporters to travel to and colonize a new star system together with other galactic captains, explorers, and industrial companies.
  • Upgrade Your Base – slowly improve your base of operations from a small speck in space into a massive stronghold capable of supporting multiple fleets and defending against multiple attacks.
  • Build Your Fleet – start off with a handful of frigates and build up your fleet with a variety of unlockable and customizable ships of different classes, including destroyers, cruisers, carriers, and massive battle cruisers.
  • Join or Create a Union – join a player-created Union and work together as a team to launch attacks, clear mining fields, or defend against attacks.
  • Conquer The Star System – strategically take over NPC and player-controlled outposts to expand your reach and occupy more territory with the goal of gaining full control of the star system together with your allies.
  • “Dawn Funding” Battle Pass – earn currency and research boxes that contain random ship blueprints, tech points, and weapon upgrade chips by engaging in various activities.

Infinite Lagrange Screenshots

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Full Review

Infinite Lagrange Review

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System Requirements

Infinite Lagrange System Requirements

Minimum Requirements:

Operating System: Android 4.1 and later, iOS 10.0 and later


Infinite Lagrange Music & Soundtrack

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Additional Info

Infinite Lagrange Additional Information

Developer: NetEase
Publisher: NetEase

Closed Beta 1: June 11, 2020
Closed Beta 2:
November 13, 2020

Release Date (EU): April 21, 2021
Release Date (Global): June 2, 2021

Development History / Background:

Infinite Lagrance is a 3D mobile sci-fi 4X (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exertminate) strategy MMO game developed and published by Chinese video game company NetEase. The game was first announced on April 12, 2021 with a western release scheduled a few weeks later on April 21, 2021. Unfortunately, the game only launched in Europe on the announced date, eventually coming to North America, Mexico, Brazil, and other regions on June 2, 2021. This was followed by an Asian launch on August 18, 2021.