Final Fantasy XIV 3.15: What We Will & Hope to See


Final Fantasy XIV’s 3.15 update is on the horizon, and Square Enix has only confirmed a couple things thus far. According to Live Letter XXV we will be seeing the first step in the new Relic weapons for every job, called Anima. Not to be confused with Animus, as we know this Relic will be separate from their 2.0 counterparts. Players who already own one or more Relic weapon Zeta will skip the first step in the Anima weapon quest. Given that even Yoshi-P has admitted to wanting to skip that first step Zeta owners rejoice. Keep in mind that this has all been translated from Japanese, so there may have been some errors. It’s later stated that players may choose one Anima weapon per Zeta they own, but I’m unsure if this is implying a Zeta is necessary to get multiple Anima, or if the player can only skip the first step in the Anima quest once for every Zeta they own.

While we don’t yet know what item level (ilevel) these weapons will be, it’s speculated that they will start at i200, and slowly progress to i205, and i210 in a similar fashion to the 2.0+ Relics over several patches —adding to the questline, and adding more stages to the Relic. This makes sense, as the Relics of 2.0 worked similarly, the most recent stage of the Relic is always the highest ilevel available. Currently, the highest ilevel weapons available are the Gordian and upgraded esoteric weapons i210, meaning the new Relic will have to wind up at i210 before higher ilevel weapons are introduced to follow suit with the previous Relics.

As an aside, the Gordian weapons (i210) have glowing effects that change colour with their dye. This means the later stages of the Heavensward relics could very well have the same effect, and if they’re anything like 2.0 Relics, they should be great for glamour.

Yoshi-P has stated as well that Arm of the Father Savage (A3s) has had disappointingly few clears, perhaps meaning we can expect a nerf of some sort. Personally, I think all of Alexander savage and The Minstrel’s Ballad: Thordan’s Reign (Thordan EX) will see some kind of nerf, because Yoshi-P has stated before he wants the game to be more accessible to casual players. Perhaps the nerf will be similar to the Second Coil of Bahamut’s treatment, namely the difficulty reduction of several mechanics—given Thordan EX is a mechanically intensive fight with many stages.

I feel that we could see some manner of addition to the Diadem, be it lore or better management of players who want to gather as opposed to players who want to craft. If it were lore, no doubt the Sky Pirate saga would see some use here. Though perhaps not in 3.15, we may see Sky Pirate weapons at i200 or even i205 become accessible through large quantities of Brass Sky Pirate Spoils.

3.15 promises some great new stuff, and I can’t wait to run out and grab my Anima as soon as the update hits, build an outfit around it, and bash Thordan square in the nose in sparkling style. I look forward to watching my various feeds fill with screenshots of people who acquired their Anima at ungodly speeds, and most of all, I look forward to grinding alongside friends!

Novice Canadian writer with a passion for video games and the industry. Player of Hearthstone, FFXIV, and various other good little things.