Mobile MMORPGs Are the Future of The Genre

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Oh, what a time to be alive! Mobile MMORPGs, the epitome of gaming excellence, the future of online role-playing games. No longer do we have to worry about the hassle of actually playing a game. No longer do we have to stress about mouse accuracy or keyboard proficiency. No longer do we have to suffer through the agony of decision making.

No, my friends, mobile MMORPGs have solved all of these problems and more. With the magical auto-play feature, the game plays itself for you! Who needs skill when you have technology? Who needs strategy when you have algorithms? Who needs to actually have fun when you have a virtual character that does everything for you?

Why play Black Desert Online when Black Desert Mobile Plays For You?

And let's not forget the most important aspect of mobile MMORPGs: the glorious micro-transactions. Finally, a solution to the age-old problem of difficulty in video games. No longer do we have to grind for hours, no longer do we have to learn new skills, and no longer do we have to strategize to overcome obstacles. All we have to do is simply open up our wallets and voila! The game becomes a cakewalk.

It's like a fairy tale come true. Struggling to level up your character? No problem, just pay a few bucks and boom! You're at the top of the leaderboard. Can't seem to beat that boss that's been giving you trouble for weeks? Fear not, for a small fee, you can instantly become the victor. It's the ultimate solution for all of your gaming woes.

And the best part? These micro-transactions are totally optional. You don't have to pay a dime if you don't want to. But why would you want to miss out on all the fun? After all, isn't the true joy of gaming all about spending as much money as possible?

Gone are the days of sitting in front of a computer for hours on end, because mobile MMORPGs allow us to play while we do other important things like, you know, not playing games. We can now play while we're walking, while we're eating, while we're driving (okay, maybe not that last one).

So, let's raise a glass to the future of MMORPGs: mobile games that play themselves. Here's to never having to actually play a game again! Huzzah!

I've been playing games before I could walk, and MMOs since Earthlink 5.0, a terrible way to play. I bounce around between games a lot, from EVE Online back to Vanilla and forward to whatever Indie title can keep my interest.