Marvel Heroes Releases Ant-Man

To coincide with the movie release, Marvel Heroes has released Ant-Man as a playable character for the action superhero MMO. The Ant-Man features his iconic shrinking powers that allow him become tiny and hit enemies at extreme speed and power. Players can pick up the Ant-Man Hero Pack for $17.99 USD on the official website and grab the classic Ant-Man [...]

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Marvel Heroes $25,000 Giveaway

Action MMO, Marvel Heroes, has announced a special second anniversary celebrations which have some real world rewards. Players will have a chance at a special drop called a "Vibranium Ticket" which is worth $5,000 USD in cash. The tickets will drop at random during gameplay for five lucky players, talk about epic loot! You can check out the details of [...]

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Marvel Heroes Launches Tax Day Sale

The folks over at Marvel Heroes have decided to give people at least a little bit to smile about on the dreaded Tax Day by offering 50% off of all heroes and costumes for a limited time.  They're also giving out a bonus 15% to all G purchases... so hopefully you got yourself a big return this year.  The sale [...]

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Catch the Rainbow in Marvel Heroes

Marvel Heroes has launched their St. Patrick's Day festivities in style, offering various power-ups and items that can be found throughout the game world. Four-leaf clovers can be picked up to give players special quests to take out bosses. Defeating these enemies will bestow a St. Patrick's Day boost to finding rare items! Players will also be able to collect legendary [...]

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Marvel Heroes Releases Iceman

The ever popular Bobby Drake was added to the endless roster of Marvel Heroes earlier this week. As his name might suggest, Iceman wields an assortment of cold-based abilities, used to defeat the enemies before him. Players are able to purchase him in-game and jump right into the action. Gazillion is also offering an Iceman Hero Pack that includes the base hero, two [...]

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