Roblox Raises $92 Million In Latest Funding Round

Microsoft's purchase of Minecraft developer Mojang for $2.5 billion must have perked a few ears over in Silicon Valley. Roblox, the LEGO inspired sandbox MMO, closed a series C funding round on March 14 that brought in $92 million. The lead venture firms for the round were Index Ventures and Meritech Capital Partners. Roblox raised money twice before; once back [...]

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Roblox Soundtrack

Roblox Music & Soundtrack Roblox is a sandbox MMO where players craft their own virtual worlds and games. While the game mainly targets a younger audience, the level of depth avaialable rivals that of other sandbox MMOs including Minecraft and Second Life. The Roblox soundtrack was composed internally for use in the game. The Soundcloud embed features all of the BGMs, tracks, and [...]

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