The Weekly Raid: Korea Makes Account Boosting Criminal, Should The West Follow?

Korea has always had stiffer gaming regulations than the West. For years, account registration on Korean portals like Nexon or NCsoft required users to enter their Korean Social Security numbers, something alien to those of us who often use throwaway emails, names, and birthdays when registering. On November 20, 2011, Korea's Youth Protection Revision Act came into force. Commonly reffered [...]

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The Weekly Raid: Are MMORPGs Back?

SuperData released their monthly digital games market report earlier today and its filled with good news for the MMORPG genre. World of Warcraft surged past League of Legends and Fortnite to claim the #2 spot for highest grossing PC game for the month of August. World of Warcraft brought in $161 million in August, not counting Battle for Azeroth pre-orders. [...]

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The Weekly Raid: Will The Gaming Industry Finally Face Regulation?

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It has been a bruising month for Chinese gaming hegemon Tencent. First, their US based subsidiary Riot Games was accused of sexism which required major readjustments at the studio. These culture problems also brought to light Riot's declining profitability, with the company on course to run a deficit unless something changes soon. Closer to home, Tencent found itself on the [...]

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The Weekly Raid: The Second Coming Of The Bots

Bots have been an issue in MMOs since the very beginning. Early MMORPG developers were constantly frustrated by players employing botting programs to farm resources are quickly speed through content. Often the same people using these botting programs were RMTers who were making a buck while destroying fragile in-game economies. Even the biggest titles like World of Warcraft never found [...]

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The Weekly Raid: How Important Is Lore In MMORPGs?

With the latest expansion for World of Warcraft set to launch next week, the internet busy digesting the lore cinematic Blizzard has put out. Of particular interest on the web is the direction the writers have taken Sylvanas. The latest lore video has ordering the destruction of the Teldrassil tree. Warbringers: SylvanasWatch this video on YouTube Many were outraged that [...]

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