DC Universe Online Pulled From Emerald City Comic Con, E3 Still A Go For June

emerald city comic con superhero silhouette bannerThe threat of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus has had a big impact on various industries around the world and the video game industry is no exception. The recently-concluded PAX East gaming convention in Boston was the first of many events to be affected by the coronavirus scare with a number of big-name video game companies backing out at the last minute.

Last night, Daybreak Games and Dimensional Ink announced that they were pulling DC Universe Online from the Emerald City Comic Con. The event will be held in Seattle, Washington from March 12th to March 15th. “As a heads up, DCUO will not attend Emerald City Comic Con later this month as we had planned,” tweeted Daybreak. “Nothing against the con, just limiting travel.”

The Emerald City Comic Con organizers, on the other hand, say that the event will continue as scheduled even though Washington state health authorities have already declared a state of emergency. Of course, GDC organizers also said something along those lines before postponing the event less than a day later. According to CBS News, COVID-19 has already claimed six lives in the state.

“ECCC 2020 will take place as scheduled March 12th -15th at the Washington State Convention Center (WSCC) in downtown Seattle,” said the organizers. “We have implemented enhanced cleaning and sanitization across the show, including adhering to the recommendations set forth in the U.S. EPA’s Emerging Pathogen Policy regarding cleaning disinfectants effective against the COVID-19 virus. We are working closely with the WSCC and our other venue partners and aligning with local, state and federal public health guidelines and agencies.”

“As ECCC approaches we will be constantly reviewing our health protection activities, public health messaging, hygiene and medical control measures with the aim of strengthening our COVID-19 response further in line with up to date public health advice and guidance, including that of the CDC.”

E3, this year’s next big gaming event, will also be moving forward as planned says the Entertainment Software Association, the organizers of the event. “Everyone is watching the situation very closely,” the ESA told Vice. “We will continue to be vigilant, as our first priority is the health, wellness and safety of all of our exhibitors and attendees. Given what we know at this time, we are moving ahead full speed with E3 2020 planning. Exhibit and registration sales are on track for an exciting show in June.”