GRAV Gets Reborn In New Update Coming Soon


GRAV is receiving a new update called Reborn soon that will completely revamp many of the game's major systems. It is being touted as the game's largest update since its Early Access release in January. The space survival game will be receiving new biomes, new monsters, new weapons and armor, a new UI, and a completely new starter world, among other changes.

The new starter planet will make use of the new biomes. The new images on the update's mini-site seem to indicate a tropical environment, a woods environment,  and a more barren, rocky environment with caves will be some of the new biomes that players can explore. The team at BitMonster also seems to have worked on atmospheric aspects of the environment, with improved clouds seen in one of the new screenshots.

The new update will also include new monsters. The four featured so far are Vicious Raptor, Giant Turtle, Giant Bird, and Giant Frog. If you think those names sound like placeholders, that's because they are. You can enter contests to name each one individually if you would like. The winners will have their chosen names featured in-game.

For more information, check out the update's mini-site. The update does not have a release date yet and is currently undergoing beta testing.