The Weekly Raid: What Is Your Favorite MMO Soundtrack?


Each week the crew will be posting a question about MMOs to you, coinciding with the weekly podcast. We hope to hear from you in the comments section below!

MMORPG soundtracks are just as important as the expansive environments players explore. Sound sets the tone, and rhythm turns gaming into an irresistible dance.

My favorite soundtrack is from Eve Online (I was disappointed when CCP removed the jukebox). Nothing set the atmosphere of floating through space better than cranking up "Home at Last," and soaking in fleeting stars as I warped from one gate to the next.

Lately I had the chance to try Granado Espada, and while the gameplay didn't blow me away the soundtrack did. The 2007 MMORPG has the perfect grinding music. It made sense. Both SoundTeMP and Tiesto helped compose the soundtrack. No wonder Cite de Reboldoeux sounded like a 1999 basement show.

As far as newer MMORPGs, the last fantastic soundtrack I heard was in Tree of Savior (featuring SounTeMP again). I hadn't felt the beat push my grind along that well since classic Ragnarok Online.

The late great neurologist Oliver Sacks said, "Music... is both completely abstract and profoundly emotional." And some MMO soundtracks are as nostalgic as the games they accentuate.

What's your favorite MMO soundtrack? Let us know in the comments below!

Don't forget we have most MMO soundtracks here at Visit the Music section up above or click the link here.      

From Mega Man II to Ape Escape, I've been playing games for as long as I can remember. I've spent months killing porings in Ragnarok Online and more recently lived a second life in Eve Online. I usually play as gUMBY, gUMBLEoni, or gUMBLes in-game.