Angela Game Files Appeal To Re-List Myth Of Empires On Steam, Court Orders Expert To Inspect Source Code

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Angela Game’s legal battle against Snail Games and Studio Wildcard moves forward as the Chinese developer files an appeal to have Myth of Empires re-listed on Steam. The motion was filed at the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and has already been assigned a docket number according to MMO Fallout. Meanwhile, Angela Game continues to sell the game directly from [...]

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Snail Games Files Copyright Infringement Countersuit Against Angela Game And Tencent

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Last month, Angela Games filed a lawsuit against Snail Games and Studio Wildcard for declaratory judgement and to recover damages caused by the studios’ copyright claims and the DMCA takedown of Myth of Empires. In response, Snail Games has filed a countersuit against Angela Games and Imperium Interactive Entertainment, the company that facilitated the distribution agreement between Angela and Valve. [...]

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Myth Of Empires Developer Files Lawsuit Against Snail Games And Studio Wildcard Following DMCA Takedown

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Last week, Myth of Empires was removed from Steam following claims of copyright infringement from Snail Games and Studio Wildcard. The game’s developer Angela Game has responded to the DMCA takedown and claims that they stole ARK: Survival Evolved source code with a lawsuit against the complainants. The lawsuit, which was filed with the California District Court just a few [...]

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