Magic To Master Resurfaces As A Web 3 MMORPG Launching Into Early Access This Month

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The last we heard from Magic to Master was that its developer Laniatus was preparing to take Gameforge to court over the latter’s copyright complaint which resulted in the cancellation of the oriental MMORPG’s Kickstarter campaign. The DMCA complaint claims that Laniatus, who employed several former Gameforge developers, used stolen assets from Gameforge Metin 2. It’s unclear whether both parties [...]

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Magic To Master Studio Laniatus Is Determined To Fight Gameforge’s Copyright Complaint

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Laniatus LLC continues to make waves as the studio attempts to fight Gameforge's copyright complaint against the former’s revived version of Magic to Master. The complaint resulted in the temporary suspension of M2M's Kickstarter campaign and YouTube channel. However, as of now, the YouTube channel has been reinstated, and Laniatus is determined to challenge the claim through legal means. In [...]

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Gameforge Slaps Magic To Master With Copyright Infringement Complaint

magic to master fantasy mmorpg river bridge

Laniatus Game’s Magic to Master Kickstarter campaign has been put on hold due to a copyright infringement lawsuit filed by Gameforge. The game’s Kickstarter page currently displays an unavailable notice, linking to a copyright notification document. Gameforge alleges that the Magic to Master project used assets stolen from Metin 2. Several of Laniatus’ developers were apparently former Gameforge employees, leading [...]

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