Magic To Master Studio Laniatus Is Determined To Fight Gameforge’s Copyright Complaint

magic to master knight cinematic still

Laniatus LLC continues to make waves as the studio attempts to fight Gameforge's copyright complaint against the former’s revived version of Magic to Master. The complaint resulted in the temporary suspension of M2M's Kickstarter campaign and YouTube channel. However, as of now, the YouTube channel has been reinstated, and Laniatus is determined to challenge the claim through legal means.

In a strongly worded blog post, Laniatus expressed its outrage at the DMCA takedown, labeling it as unjust and asserting its commitment to combat falsehoods and misrepresentations. The company accused Gameforge of exploiting innocent YouTubers for its own benefit and vowed to pursue a "real lawsuit" that would serve as an example for others who have faced false accusations and defamation. It's worth noting that Laniatus has made similar legal threats in the past, but there is no evidence of any actual lawsuits being filed.

“Our company has been unequivocally informed that the allegations made by the concerned company have infringed upon our rights and misrepresented our brand,” writes Laniatus. “This malicious company continues to fabricate unfounded claims and engage in baseless accusations. Nevertheless, Laniatus LLC stands firm in its resolve to fight back against such false allegations and intentional misrepresentations. We have immediately initiated legal action to protect our corporate identity and hold accountable the individuals responsible for these violations.”

The blog post also alleged that Gameforge inadvertently contributed to Laniatus' success through several avenues including a partnership with AI and data processing company AI10 and claims of numerous content creators expressing interest in acquiring publishing rights for M2M. However, doubts have been raised about the validity of these claims, as AI10 is a newly established company with limited online presence, and the post did not provide any specific details about the content creators involved.

In addition to addressing the DMCA strike, the announcement hinted at upcoming opportunities for players to try out M2M. A select group of individuals will be given the chance to experience the game, followed by a closed test for the first 1,000 sign-ups. No further information regarding dates or specific details about these playtests were provided.

Meanwhile, the game's YouTube channel is back online with a new cinematic trailer teasing a new threat to the game's world while the Kickstarter campaign has been officially cancelled.

“[…] We have made the decision to permanently remove our Kickstarter campaign from the platform even after we have cleaned it up,” the studio said. “This decision reflects our commitment to protecting the interests and trust of our community of supporters.”

You can check out the new cinematic trailer below.

Cinematic Trailer 2023 Q3 - Magic To Master, M2M