AdventureQuest 3D Finally Adds Customizable Player Housing 8 Years After Its Launch

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After eight years, AdventureQuest 3D is finally giving players the chance to be the proud owners their very own in-game homes. This week’s update introduced player housing to the free-to-play MMORPG on all platforms including mobile, allowing players to design, build, and decorate individual instanced houses in the game world. But first, they’ll need to complete a quest to acquire the rights to one.

“Make your way to the Battleon Trade District and have a chat with the B.U.I.L.D. Foreman, Brigitte. She’ll set you on an introductory quest that culminates in you acquiring your very own house,” Artix Entertainment explains. “What does this mean for you? Well, as the valiant hero of Lore, you now have a cozy abode to call your own. But wait, there’s more! As a player, this feature grants you the power to customize a delightful slice of Lore.”

Each instance can be decorated and filled with a variety of items and building modules, which can be mixed and match to create an extremely personalized space. Players can event create their own personal playgrounds or parkour areas where they can hang out after their adventures out in the open world.

More house locations and slots are set to be added later this week along with fixes for housing issues for both the PC and mobile versions. For now, mobile players experiencing disconnection issues are advised to keep their housing interactions like joining house maps or editing items to a minimum.