ARK: Survival Evolved Turns One Year Old


ARK: Survival Evolved celebrates its first anniversary in Early Access with party hats, “birthday suits”, a giant birthday cake, and a massive fire breathing dragon. Say what now? Dragons aren't Dinosaurs... or are they? The fearsome Dragon makes its first appearance in ARK's Birthday Patch, Patch 242. Players can now go up against the mighty beast and its minions by dropping by their treacherous volcanic lair.

Patch 242 also comes with two new creatures, the long-necked Diplodocus, and the disease-carrying Leech, along with diseases and cures, interactive Dino baby raising, a training dummy, additional tribe member settings, and a host of other updates.

Check out the ARK Anniversary Video below or stomp on over to the game’s official site for additional info on Patch 242.

ARK One Year Anniversary and Patch 242: Enter the Dragon!