Bahamut Has Arisen In Shadowverse


Shadowverse's long-awaited Rise of Bahamut expansion is here, bringing with it a full set of 105 new cards. Each Class has a new Legendary card and three new Gold cards, as well as an assortment of less rare cards. Bahamut itself and Sahaquiel have been introduced as neutral Legendaries. The expansion also brings with it "the new Enhance ability."

To help players kickstart their Rise of Bahamut collections, Cygames is giving away 10 Rise of Bahamut Card Pack Tickets to all players that make it through the tutorial and play the game by March 29, 2017.

The update that introduced the Rise of Bahamut expansion also introduced prebuilt 30-card decks that each have a special Legendary that cannot be created or liquefied. These decks cost 750 Crystals, can be purchased three times, and have a "six-digit deck code" that can be used as a starting point for a full 40-card deck.

A replay system was also introduced, allowing players to watch their last ten matches over again.

You can find the full set of patch notes here.

Rise of Bahamut Trailer