Ubisoft Is Diving Back Into Blockchain Gaming With Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles

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Ubisoft is taking yet another stab at NFTs and blockchain gaming with a new “experimental” PvP tactical RPG called Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles. According to the game’s official website, the game will exclusively be available on PC and will pit players against each other in team-based tactical battles.

Champions Tactics will make use of the Oasys blockchain, a platform that’s being touted as optimized for gaming and energy efficient. However, the lack of a whitepaper and limited information on the game’s Discord and Twitter page leave players curious about Ubisoft’s approach.

Readers may remember that Ubisoft's previous attempt at integrating NFTs into Ghost Recon: Breakpoint faced backlash, and their foray into physical collectibles didn't fare much better. Now, the French publisher is looking to dive back into the controversial world of blockchain gaming. Whether they’ll finally be able to succeed this time around remains to be seen.