Guild Wars 2 Details Their Camera Upgrades

After announcing that players would be able to zoom into first-person view, Arena Net has also revealed a new feature that they call "collision sensitivity". On the latest dev diary, programmer Branden Gee went into detail about how the new camera system would improve gameplay all around.

He mentions that the staff knows about issues with camera claiming that, "[they've] all been there—you’re running along, happily dispatching ambient rabbits, when suddenly a small tree comes between your camera and your character, causing the camera to snap in very close and completely ruin your immersion. Well, [they]  fixed this!"

The collision sensitivity settings will allow players to adjust how much of background elements (such as trees, walls, rocks, etc.) needs to be between you and the camera before the camera snaps in. There are numerous sliders that allow for customization and optimization for each player. These changes are coming very soon, so any and all complaints about the in game camera should hopefully disappear with them. A sample of the camera settings can be viewed below.

For more information, check out the dev diary.