Guild Wars 2 Steam Launch a Success - Hits over 8,000 Concurrent Players

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Guild Wars 2 made its move to Steam just 6 days ago on August 22, 2022 and its been a pretty big success so far. It hit over 8,000 concurrent players earlier today on Steam alone. Many hardcore players are likely continuing to play off-Steam as well, so the move likely increased the game's playerbase.

If you haven't tried Guild Wars 2 yet, the base game is free to play and well worth checking out. Expansions need to be purchased though, making Guild Wars 2 more of a free to try game than a free to play one.

The Steam version has a $99.97 'Complete Collection' which includes all DLC and expansions, but there's no reason to purchase it without first trying the base free game.

Guild Wars 2 is live on Steam!