Hearthstone Game Director Surprises Fans With Awesome Un’Goro Rap

Ever heard a game developer rap, or seen one for that matter? Hearthstone Game Director Ben Brode surprised fans of the game with an epic Un’goro rap on YouTube. The YouTube video, which now has nearly half a million views, was in response to a fan petition on Reddit for him to sing a song in exchange for the lack of a musical trailer for Hearthstone’s latest expansion, Journey to Un’Goro.

It’s been sort of a tradition for Hearthstone to have characters suddenly burst into song in their trailers. Unfortunately, none of the characters did so in the latest trailer, to the genuine disappointment of shadowthiefo, prompting him to post the petition.

Brode then tweets about the petition, sparking hilarious responses, memes, and even more “requests” for him to “Just do it.” Check out the tweet below:

And now, without further ado, watch Hearthstone Game Director-turned-rap-god Ben Brode go full Eminem after the break.

Un'Goro: The Journey

Also, if remixes are your thing, YouTuber Jharkendar was gracious enough to make an awesome remix for your listening pleasure. Check it out below.

Capitalism feat Ben Brode - Journey To Un'Goro (We Are Number One Remix)