Marvel Heroes Omega announces improvements to Loot Boxes, Costumes, coming soon

Marvel Heroes Omega, the Console-exclusive version of Marvel Heroes, has announced that starting June 30th, 2017, players will have "substantially" increased chances to receive costumes from loot boxes. New hero-specific "Ultimate Upgrade Tokens" and "Experience Tokens" will be added as well. On top of that, players will now be able to earn one-time loot boxes at certain levels. To quote the developers -

Players will earn one-time boxes at 5, 12, 15 and 30, then one box for every level 60. These Marvelous Loot Boxes will be granted to players retroactively during our scheduled server maintenance on June 30, 2017.

Rather nice of them to retroactively include these loot boxes for players, but playing the other side of the coin - if they hadn't, there would have been a massive uproar.

Various costumes have also been selected to remain until the next patch, such as Ant-Man's Civil War Movie costume, Scarlet Witch's Age of Ultron Movie costume, and Wolverine - Days of Future Past costume. You can read more about it here.