Minecraft Legends Rolled Out Its Final Update And Is Now In Maintenance Mode

minecraft legends multiplayer action strategy official key art

Multiplayer action-strategy game Minecraft Legends received its final content update last week and is now officially in maintenance mode less than a year after it launched.

The update introduced the new Snow vs. Snouts Lost Legend mode that allows players to destroy piglin bases from afar using a beefed-up redstone launcher with a faster cooldown and deconstruction rate. The catch is that you won’t be able to control units or build other structures.

“The single redstone launcher is all you have at your disposal to take down the piglins. So make sure you have your ranged attack skills down pat before you attempt this challenge. Succeed and you will receive the Snow Guardian hero skin for cleansing the frozen landscape of the piglins and their contraptions.”

With the update’s release, developers Mojang Studios and Blackbird Interactive announced that they’ve stopped active development on the game and will instead be focusing on keeping the servers running and technical support. They failed to elaborate on the decision but a quick look at the game’s player count since its launch in April 2023 says it all.

No features will be removed from the game and online features like co-op play and PvP will remain available for the foreseeable future.

“Thank you for following along this heroic journey and helping us make Minecraft Legends the game it is today,” says the team. “Keep your banners raised because the Overworld will always need a hero!”