Monster Hunter Rise Previews New Anomaly Quests, Monster Variants, And Plushie Weapon Skins

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Monster Hunter Rise players will be getting a bunch of new quests and new monster variants to hunt when the Sunbreak expansion’s

Title Update 3 arrives next week. These new variants include the Flaming Espinas, Scorned Magnamalo, Seething Bazelgeuse, Risen Kushala Daora, and Risen Teostra.

The new Risen variants will be huntable upon reaching MR 120 and MR 140, respectively, while the others will be tied to the new anomaly quests that will be included in Title Update 3. The update will also introduce new investigations as well as the ability to take follower NPCs along on nearly every Master Rank quest.

For those who want to take on the new challenges in style, Capcom will also be rolling out a new DLC which will come with new gestures, new voice packs, and new stickers, along with a bundle of plushie weapon skills to hit the new monster variants with.

Free Title Update 3 and DLC will both be coming out on November 24th. In the meantime, you can check out the official update trailer below.

Free Title Update 3 - Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak