Mortal Online 2 Begins Testing Siege Mechanic Changes And New Mounts On The PTR

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Star Vault is apparently hard-pressed to get Mortal Online 2 players to participate in siege battles, prompting the studio to make major changes to its mechanics. The changes are now up for testing on the public test realm with the goal of giving both attackers and defenders adequate time to prepare for battle and giving guilds the option to issue direct challenges to another guild.

Other noteworthy improvements include in-game alerts to notify players when a siege is about to begin and the addition of protection periods for siege-related guild structures. The studio will also be hosting a siege event on the PTR later today at 11 a.m. PDT.

The latest PTR build also features new mount types, like taurdogs and cougars, as well as adjustments to territory control mechanics, melee and magic combat, and armor training. You can dive into the details in the latest PTR patch notes on the Mortal Online 2 official site.