MU Online Season XI Has Begun


MU Online's eleventh season of content updates began today with Season XI Part 1. The update introduces an entirely new area called Ferea, "a stunning city full of magnificent structures and artworks" that requires characters to be level 400 to enter. A new set of mobs promises "valuable drop-items."

Additionally, a new Darkangel Master Set has been introduced. Players can level their Divine Archangel Weapon even further, unlocking a party-wide buff in the process. Various quality of life improvements have been made, as well, including a new character information window and updates to the Elemental System.

To celebrate the launch, several events will be running throughout the month. From now until March 22nd, upgrading your Divine Weapon to +15 will net you a 30 day Wings of Conqueror item. From now until March 29th, sharing the news about the launch on Facebook will net you "a Brown Panda Ring, a Pet Demon, a Normal/Master Seal of Ascension, and a Talisman of Ascension" based on the number of shares. From now until March 29th, uploading a video of your party defeating the Lord of Ferea will enter you to win various prizes, including "Ruud, a Master Package, and some Wings of Angel and Devil."

WEBZEN MU Online : MU Season 11 Trailer