Perpetuum Drops Price, Adds Premium Packages



Perpetuum's pricing is undergoing another revision. Avatar Creations have announced that—following the game's previous move from a subscription model to a buy-to-play model—the base game will drop from its current price of $28.99 to $9.99 fairly soon. Two new "Premium Packages" have been added to compensate for the drop in price and give players more choice over how they enter the game's world. Called Upgrade Kits Zero and One, these new packages are $9.99 a piece and offer players varying amounts of Credits, Extension Points, Alien Improbability Devices, and even "exclusive new sparks." The base game will come with 200 Credits, 40,000 EP, and 1 AID. The other packages will add more from there. The full comparison chart can be viewed below.

Patch 3.7.2 also went live recently. This patch was "mostly for the premium packages," but other changes and fixes were made.

According to developer statements, the price drop is delayed for "technical reasons." Furthermore, once the price drop is live, the base game will be further discounted during the Winter Sale.
