Ravendawn Online Devs Stumped By Persistent Lag Issues On The Angerhorn Server

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Ravendawn Online’s full release last week went down as smoothly as anyone could have hoped, aside from an isolated lag issue that’s been plaguing the Angerhorn server over the past few days. Players connecting to the said server report extreme lag spikes that has developer Tavernlight Games stumped.

“[…] We’re really sorry about the lag on Angerhorn. It’s making us pull our hair out in frustration,” the studio admitted on Discord. “Serafine has little to no lag spikes at the moment despite having [the] same population.”

The developers report that they’ve installed “certain checks” to help them find the root cause of the problem. They believe that the save system might be the culprit with so many players online and are also rewriting its code to hopefully fix the issue.

“We will not rest until Ravendawn is an incredibly smooth experience for everyone playing, that is our promise to you,” they promised.

For the time being, Tavernlight Games has partnered with ExitLag to provide all Ravendawn Online players with 30 days of free access to the data routing service. Obviously, this is just a band-aid solution as the developers rack their brains for a fix. Angerhorn’s marketplace has also been temporarily disabled while the lag spikes persist.

You can check out this blog post for detailed instructions on how to claim your free ExitLag subscription.