Hi-Rez Studios Dives Into SMITE 2 Conquest Map And Gameplay Improvements

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Hi-Rez Studios has opened the floodgates of information for SMITE 2 as the team dives into how its improving the Conquest game mode for the sequel. Conquest, of course, is the standard 5v5 MOBA mode in the original game which will be returning with a few gameplay touch ups and a fresh coat of paint thanks to Unreal Engine 5.

According to the devs, the new engine makes it easier to create more detailed maps and gameplay components and will allow for faster updates when needed, often with just a few clicks and brush strokes. Some of the improvements that SMITE fans can look forward to include a button for interacting with various map elements such as picking up jungle buffs rather than just running over them or opening base doors. Jungle buffs will also be updated to offer progressively better effects as the match goes on.

The team will also be introducing new Fury objectives and a new gameplay mechanic called Warhorn that will allow teams to send out more powerful minion waves after a channeling period. These new mechanics should help keep things fresh and give teams a chance to turn the tide of battle with proper timing.

Alpha testing for SMITE 2 is on track to begin later this year. Sign-ups are now open on the official site if you want to get actual hands-on time with the game ahead of its official launch.

SMITE 2 Developer Deep Dive - Conquest