Star Vault Reopens Its Unreal Engine 5 Test Server Today For Its Third Testing Round

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Star Vault is reopening the Mortal Online public test realm later today for its third Unreal Engine 5 playtest. The main focus of the test is to pinpoint the cause of the stalling and performance issues that testers experienced during large battles in the last testing round.

To replicate the issue, the studio will be running a battle event during the test which they invite everyone to attend. “We will be running some debug settings on the server to monitor this and hopefully find the culprit during the event,” the studio said. “The more people we have attending the event, the more likely we are to find what we are looking for, in addition to stress testing the nodes in general, so the more the merrier!”

The team also hopes to gather feedback on significant changes that they recently made to the sandbox MMORPG’s structure placement system. The studio hasn’t given a timeline for the playtest or how long it will run for but it’s set to kick off today barring any unexpected delays.

Mortal Online 2 Developer Stream | Into The Vault #130 - UE5 PTR 3 Date & Bounty Hunter Cape