The Ship: Remasted Enters Early Access


Following a short delay, The Ship: Remasted has launched on Early Access. The game is a Unity rebuild of Outerlight's Source Engine title The Ship. It is a game in which you explore a 1920s cruise ship in an attempt to take out your assigned target while avoiding being taken out by someone hunting you.

The current build supports both 4-player online and 16-player LAN modes. This is expected to change in the near future as the team negotiates a higher online limit with Unity and releases dedicated servers. Four maps are currently available and three more are planned. Almost all weapons, all core mechanics, and the Hunt, Elimination, and Deathmatch modes are in and working. The remaining content is expected to be added over the next two months.

You can pick the game up here. The game is normally $19.99, but it is discounted to $16.99 for the next week. Owners of The Ship can pick it up for $14.99.

The Ship: Remasted Teaser Trailer