Venus Rising Enters Closed Beta


Adult-oriented MMO Venus Rising has entered closed beta. Made by FOXYSOFT, the Roman-stylized game incorporates all the classic elements of MMORPG's and throws "the added element of sexual abilities." Venus Rising seems to be a game designed for Bob Guccione mirroring his 1979 historical drama Caligula. The first phase of testing will allow 500 players to explore the promiscuous world, that features graphics closely resembling Second Life.

Free to play players will be able to pay $10 to unlock special features; features that only the imagination could possibly conjure (probably a bigger bathhouse).

For mythology lovers Venus is the Roman incarnation of the Greek deity Aphrodite. She is the goddess of love, sex, beauty, and fertility—and deviating from her Greek counterpart also became the goddess of fertility, victory, and prostitutes. It's undoubtedly an apt title for a game that promises buxom cleavage and uncensored nudity like an episode of Spartacus.

Interested players can sign up for the beta by visiting Venus Rising's website. But you must be 18 or over to make an account.