Wayfinder Temporarily Pulled From Storefronts As Transfer From Digital Extremes Begins

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It’s been four months since Airship Syndicated announced that it had broken ties with Digital Extremes and will be self-publishing Wayfinder instead. The transfer process, however, has been tied up in red tape, resulting in updates that have been few and far between.

The wait is almost over though as both parties have finally come to an equitable agreement and the transition has begun in earnest. All Wayfinder sales have subsequently been suspended until further notice, but the game itself will remain operational throughout the transition process, hopefully without any unexpected interruptions.

“Until this moment, Digital Extremes has remained the publisher on record on Steam and PlayStation. We now begin the process of transferring those responsibilities to Airship,” reads the announcement. “We know that Wayfinder had a rocky launch, but we still believe in the game and the world we created.”

Airship Syndicate didn’t give an exact timeline for when the transfer will be completed, but it’s promising an update in roughly four to six weeks. The studio also reiterated its commitment to the game and promises “major improvements” following its extremely rocky launch last year.

“Airship is committed to keeping Wayfinder active and vibrant,” assured the studio. “There will be major changes and major improvements, but we have no plans for it to disappear like so many online-only games we’ve played and loved. We think that Wayfinder can be something special and be around to play forever.”