Wayfinder Outlines Its Q1 2024 Roadmap And Rolls Out Job Boards For Testing

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Airship Syndicate has dropped its first roadmap of the year for Wayfinder, outlining the new features and content coming to the action MMORPG in the first quarter of 2024. First on the docket is the job board, which went live for testing with this week’s patch, giving players a way to earn additional XP, Reward Tower keys, and other in-game items.

“The goal of the Job Board Preview is to provide players with another source of XP for the player’s Wayfinder and Weapon, as well as their Reward Tower,” said the devs. “It’s also a place where you can get some memory fragments, gloomstone shards, dyes, cosmetics, and more!”

To unlock the job board, players must first complete the Bad Omens and No Better Friends quests. The boards themselves can be found in Skylight and Deepwood Holt. The developers have also slightly tuned down XP gained from the Reward Tower to balance out the influx of extra tower keys and will be monitoring its short and long-term effects on progression.

Over the next two months, players can also look forward to the addition of armory ranks for weapon progression, mythic hunts, an archetype system that will offer more build options, epic accessory slots, the open-world Frostmarch zone, and a new Wayfinder named Grendel, among others.

wayfinder q1 2024 roadmap