WEBZEN Releases G-Star 2016 Trailers For Azera: Iron Heart And MU Legend


WEBZEN released the G-Star 2016 trailers for its upcoming titles Azera: Iron Heart and MU Legend today, giving us a better look at both titles. The company also described its exhibit at G-Star as follows.

Webzen’s B2C exhibition area presents MU Legend, coming in the first quarter 2017 and Azera: Iron Heart, launching in final quarter of 2016. Visitors will be able to test out new games, see 2-meter tall character figure, 3D panoramic trailer and many more.

First, exhibition area for PC online game ‘MU Legend’ has a theatrical 3D panoramic screen installed for the visitors to enjoy Webzen’s G-star exclusive game trailer. There will be multiple events and giveaways, giving out high end graphic cards and other quality ‘MU Legend’ gifts.

In the play test area for ‘MU Legend,’ visitors will be able to experience the game themselves. With the Official version, players will be able to revisit popular nostalgic dungeons such as ‘Blood Castle’ as well as new key content ‘Epic Dungeon.’

Exhibition for mobile game ‘Azera: Iron Heart’ contains ‘Trick Art’ sculpture and a large ‘Titan’ model. In the game play area, there will be a cinematic trailer and a gameplay demo for visitors to experience the pinnacle of 3D mobile gaming. PvP (player versus player) section is also prepared for users to experience Azera’s real time PvP experience.

Azera: Iron Heart looks rather nice for a mobile game. The graphics are quite good and the spell effects are well-made and give you a clear idea of what's going on at all times. The video also unveils that the game will feature four classes: Archer, Assassin, Knight, Sorcerer.

We already know quite a bit about MU Legend, having played it during the recent Closed Beta test, but the G-Star 2016 trailer gives us a look at a wider range of content that the game will have in store.

You can find both trailers embedded below.

Azera: Iron Heart Gameplay - G-Star 2016

MU Legend G-Star 2016 Presentation