World of Warships Officially Sails Into Battle


The naval yard is empty as World of Warships sets sail for officially released battles. To celebrate Wargaming has turned up the pumps, allotting 3X experience for opening weekend, beginning Thursday, Septemeber 17 and lasting until Monday, September 21.  Today also signals the beginning of Ranked Battles, kicking off the first 6 week season of competitive play (ending October 29).

The Dev Team is also hosting a Twitch stream from 11:00PT to 18:00PT, allowing players to ask questions and giving them a chance to earn "Premium ships, Premium account time, and maybe even Doubloons!" But Wargaming can't stop there. In an effort to improve their Livestream Wargaming is asking players to complete a survey regarding their PAX Prime 2015 Livestream, and "Everyone who completes a survey and enters a valid account name will receive 250 Gold/Doubloons credited to the game of their choice!"

You can read the official announcement on the World of Warships website.

World of Warships - Navigation Course