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Joymax is a Korean developer and publisher best known for their huge hit, Silkroad Online. They are often praised for their unique twists on old conventions, such as the PvP system and character customization in Silkroad. Servicing over 200 countries, Joymax is a strong competitor in the world MMORPG market.

Official Site: Joymax.com
Company Size: Large (Over 200 Employees)
Region(s): North America, Europe, Asia
Year Founded: 1997
Phone Number: (949) 502-4550
Email: contact@joymax.com

Joymax was founded in 1997, solely as a PC developer and service provider, but has since spread out to other platforms. Originally a Seoul based company, Joymax managed to expand to other countries, opening data centers in places like the United Kingdom, and customer service centers in the Philippines, Joymax has grown to become a global presence. In 2011, Joymax acquired IO Entertainment, who specialized in online action-fighting games.

Client Games

Client Games (Download to play) From Joymax currently in service:

Silkroad Online
Silkroad Online-R

Browser Games

Browser Based Games (No Download) From Joymax currently in service:


Mobile Games

Mobile Games From Joymax currently in service:

Wind Runner
Heroes of Atlan

Upcoming Games

Games Coming Soon from Joymax 

Icarus Online

Retired Games

Games no longer published by Joymax. Some of these are available through other publishers.

Karma Online
Deco Online

Contact Information

Joymax Contact Information

Email: contact@joymax.com
Phone Number:
 (949) 502-4550
Corporate Address (KR): 17F, IT Venture Tower East Wing, 78 Garakbon-dong, Songpa-gu, Seoul, 138-950 Korea
Corporate Address (US): Irvine, California

Useful Links
Joymax Official Site
Joymax Wikipedia Page