The Weekly Raid: What Would You Call Your Gaming Company?


New game companies crop up all the time. Some companies focus on publishing, others on development, and some dabble a bit on both. The one thing they all have in common is their, oftentimes, strange names. What kind of name is Chucklefish Games? Why Blizzard? (Maybe the weather was particularly bad one day.)

Image above taken at the No Scam International Headquarters.

Names are important. A company name has to be distinct to stand out (or have popular products to make it a household name; what the hell is an Ubisoft?).

I figure there must be some Library of Babel of untapped gaming company names, especially since any combination of letters, no matter how seemingly meaningless, can be transformed into a studio.

My personal favorite is Big Dog Gaming, and maybe one of these day it'll be my development company or eSports team.

Other ridiculous Gumble-approved names include Celibate Bonobo, Frigid Hot Dog Water Studios, and Boring Rainbow Publishing.

Of course, my actual company's name would be called No Scam Incorporated and monetize everything from character creation to pressing "Log In" (that'll be $1.99 please).

What would you call your video game company? Let us know in the comments below!

Each week the crew posts a question about MMOs to you, coinciding with the weekly podcast. We hope to hear from you in the comments section below!

From Mega Man II to Ape Escape, I've been playing games for as long as I can remember. I've spent months killing porings in Ragnarok Online and more recently lived a second life in Eve Online. I usually play as gUMBY, gUMBLEoni, or gUMBLes in-game.