Immune Goes Free-To-Play

Vidiludi Games announced last week that their top-down zombie survival MMORPG has gone free-to-play in an effort to bolster the in-game community. According to Steam Charts, prior to the move to free-to-play, Immune was boasting anywhere between 11 and 18 players on average. Since the move to free-to-play, the average has gone up to somewhere between 20 and 40. According [...]

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Immune (Game)

Immune is an open-world sandbox survival game where a global pandemic has destroyed society, and only two kinds of people are left: players who are immune to the disease and NPCs armed with gas masks who kill the unmasked immunized. Publisher: Vidiludi Games and Entertainment Playerbase: Shut Down Type: Sandbox Survival Release Date: March 25, 2015 Pros: +Great community. +Good [...]

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Steam Winter Sale: Sales On MMOs

Valve may have single-handedly ruined the concept of Steam sales by removing daily and flash sales, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still get a ton of games and their DLC at great prices. Today, we have a gigantic list of all the great sales going on in the MMO genre. Buy-To-Play and Subscription MMORPGs The Black Watchmen Season One is [...]

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Immune's Latest Update Adds Missions

As of yesterday, the indie survival MMORPG Immune officially has missions. This new update adds a quest system for players that want just a bit more direction. Examples of quests given include "destroying enemy targets, assassinations or hostage rescues." Mission NPCs can now be found in-game for players to get missions from. Several other changes were made with this update. [...]

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Immune Fixes Vehicle Physics, Goes On Sale

Zombie survival game Immune is one of the few in the genre truly attempting to be a massively multiplayer experience. The cartoony, top-down survival experience has been steadily improving, with an update last month switching servers to improve performance and adding hordes of mutants that roam the lands. Despite the solid, steady progress, the game has been relatively obscure while [...]

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