Mobile Esports Revenue at $7B Estimate for China

According to a recent report, China's mobile Esports revenue is expected to earn $6.78 billion by the end of 2017. The estimate is projected on numbers from 2016, where mobile Esports revenue had net China $1.9 billion, triple the figures seen in 2015. Given the growing boom in China's mobile Esports scene, revenues are predicted to follow the same upwards [...]

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King of Glory Gameplay First Look

King of Glory Gameplay First Look - MMOs.comWatch this video on YouTube King of Glory Gameplay First Look by Omer King of Glory is a free to play mobile MOBA developed and published by Tencent. It's available on Android, iOS, and PC but is only available in Chinese at the moment. The game boasts 50 million daily active users, making [...]

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