13.2 Million Players Fragged Each Other In Battlefield 1's Sinai Desert


Battlefield 1's Open Beta has come and gone, and Electronic Arts has finally released some data about the test phase. EA compiled info from the beta into one neat little infographic, which you can view below.

My favorite stats are...

  • 13.2 million players—across all platforms (Xbox One, PS4, and PC)—installed the game and fragged each other in the Sinai Desert.
  • Funny enough, only 10% of players chose to be Medics; I remember killing each other in BF2 and then rezzing for some quick experience.
  • Assault and Scout were both the most popular classes, at 30% and 28% respectively.
  • The Armored Train raked in 13 million kills. Yeah, that one isn't a surprise.

I had fun playing the Open Beta but I'm on the fence as to whether or not I'll buy the game. I'll wait to see how the meta turns out before I start popping heads in The Great War.

Battlefield 1 will release on October 21, 2016.