Diablo III launches Double EXP Weekend, an apology for Recent Issues

Diablo III recently released Patch 2.6.0, and it, of course, was expected to have its fair share of bugs and issues. Bugs are a natural part of life, after all! However, when Blizzard released their latest Diablo patch, things got a bit hairy.

Fortunately, hotfixes have come to save the day! Mostly balance and drop changes, but here's the interesting part of the story is Blizzard's roll back of Legendary Gem levels and offering a Double EXP weekend.

We will be holding a double XP weekend starting Friday, July 14 at 5 p.m. PT and ending Monday, July 17 at 10 a.m. PT as an apology for the delays and our gratitude for your patience as we address this issue. Thank you to all who issued reports and helped us uphold the spirit of Play Nice, Play Fair!

What do you think - is a double EXP weekend just compensation? Blizzard has also made no specific mention of deleting the Legendary Gems achieved via exploits - just a roll back. This leads players on the Blizzard forums to believe that Gems acquired via exploits will be kept - even though Blizzard says "any additional actions we may take will not be discussed outside of our staff and offending individuals."
What do you think - is this Double EXP weekend a nice treat? Will Blizzard find and ban people who used exploits? Or will it only upset the playerbase for not taking publicly harsher measures?