AdventureQuest Goes 3D, Now On Kickstarter


Following a number of prototypes, AdventureQuest 3D is aiming to become a full game. The team at Artix Entertainment are looking to bring their reimagined 3D MMORPG version of AdventureQuest to life by funding it on Kickstarter to the tune of $200,000. The Kickstarter will run until January 1st and the campaign has already earned $10,169 at the time of this writing.

AdventureQuest began in 2002 and the press release boasts that it "exploded in popularity." It even spawned a number of spin-offs and has allowed the company to exist in the 13 years since its original launch. The original AdventureQuest boasts 61 million registered users. The game has been funded by the success of their other games until now. They're taking to Kickstarter to get the rest of the money needed to finish the game.

AdventureQuest 3D is billing itself as an MMORPG you can play anywhere. It will be cross-platform between PC and mobile. There's even Oculus Rift support.

The game's feature set is about what we've come to expect from the MMORPG genre. The multi-class system is a nice addition, as is the ability to scale a friend to your level in their "Sidekick" system, but the rest of the game feels all too familiar. It doesn't look as if it is doing much differently, other than bearing the AdventureQuest name.

They've spent about 11 months on the game thus far. The game is now in alpha testing for anyone who has bought an upgrade for any of their previous games. All versions are being developed simultaneously and should see release around the same time.

You can find the Kickstarter here. The minimum pledge to get any rewards is a rather high $25. The final business model does not seem to be mentioned in the Kickstarter

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