Black Desert Mobile Players Get New Black Spirit PvP Escape Skill

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PvP can be annoying if you’re not really itching for a fight but just happened to stumble upon someone who’s out for blood, especially if you don’t have any viable escape skills in your arsenal. Black Desert Mobile players no longer have to deal with these situations with the introduction of the new Black Spirit Emergency Escape skill.

The skill is unlocked for all classes when the Black Spirit reaches Lv. 180. Activating the skill will turn players into a fast-moving invincible black mist for a short period of time allowing them to disengage and escape from unwanted battles in the normal fields, the Great Desert, Black Sun, and Siege/Node wars. Note that characters will be Dazed for a few seconds once they come out of Black Spirit mode. The skill also has a 400 second cooldown so forget about spamming it to get to quickly get around the game world.

The team has also adjusted the rewards from the Black Sun encounter to better reflect each member’s contribution in defeating Laytenn. Players will no longer receive rewards if they don’t deal damage to Laytenn for 30 seconds. The main skills of underperforming classes have also been adjusted to bring them up to par with other classes when it comes to boss battles.

The full patch notes can be found on the Black Desert Mobile official site. You can also check out the video below for a visual overview of the patch’s contents.

📰 News Update for April 5, 2022 [Black Desert Mobile]